Critique my portfolio.
Am I shadow banned?
As a Hannibal stan this is frying me😭
Am I?
What can I change about thiposter to make it look more cohesive?
15 rules for men
Critique this event poster for me please?
Requesting a portfolio review!
My first ever attempt at brutalism
What can I change about this poster?
Is there something about this poster I should change?
Review Portolfio. I'm a newbie in this
My meds don't work anymore but I feel it's too soon to get my dose upped.
What can I change about these product designs?
What's missing?
Liquify Preview Not Working
Canva Pro Team Invite Link Working on September 19 2024
Chat how do I break free from the cycle
Patrick Bateman was on something different
We all know who
I hate plateauing so much
What's the saddest thing your ED has brought you to?