Cards on Weapons
Why are people hating on the last episode so much?( Daima Finale)
I changed the colors to make an actual Blue eyes White Dragon and a Black Magician.
Is there a way to get 4 or more melee attacks in a single round without dual wielding or double weapons?
Did I spool incorrectly
Help in making a mobile melee martial character?
No special powers, just straight hands. Who will be the last one standing?
maybe i shouldn't ask but is there a reason why smoker is the only one with brain who uses seastone as a weapon?
I’d choose leveling system.
Skypiea was peak
Give Goku an ability that'll make him scale over 99% of fiction
Each student gets 5 years of training. Which one will become the strongest after training?
is there an anime that contains all of this???
What kind of rig did I just came up with?
Rank these guys off Pure Swordsmanship & who would win ?
How do I make a healer out of my character?
I feel im the only who likes “classic renewal”
Rule of Cool surpasses all!
If Saitama automatically "One Punching all of fiction" is NOT valid than why is "All Omnipotent characters stalemate every single time" not a discarded idea either?
Who will become the strongest?
Is blue eyes white dragon a normal monster?
Anime with the most “anime bullshit”?
How does the instinctive pounce optional feat(TCE) work with Eagle Barbarian(dnd2024) dash when entering rage?
This moment is actually kinda funny cause in retrospect, what the hell was Vegeta's actual plan here?
Ever did an ascend to godhood campaign?