This is Winnie. Approximately 13 months old. Any idea what kind of dog she is?
Kroger thinks it's okay to send people to work outside when it's -47 degrees out.
Which one would you go with?
Cops pulled a 30 year old car out of the lake by my house yesterday
Shoulda put Winnie in charge of streaming the Tyson/Paul fight…woulda been zero issues
Sovereign citizen in the wild
David from Black Pearl has been chosen as Smart Evil. Who’s Chaotic Evil?
Joe Nagy from Mill Street Bistro has been chosen as Evil Chad. Who’s Neutral evil?
8 Round Magazine Recommendations.
[Nate Atkins] Shane Steichen on where the Colts are as a franchise right now: "I think we're really close. I do."
Looking to purchase my first 1911 what is everyone favorite brand and why!! I will be going with a 9mm
Who is the most underrated colts player in league wide discussions?
Thoughts on inflatable hottub
Tired of yall playing with my name..
Life expectancy of a good couch
Thanks a lot, Jonathan Taylor
Hope you’ve enjoyed watching it.
We want to do something nice for someone in Sioux Falls this Xmas...
Excuse me sir, can I see your membership card?
Pertussis/Whooping Cough spreading through my child's school
What are “Costco trap” items in your opinion?
What does Frito Lay look for when it comes to hiring route sales representatives/associates?
If you had $300 to spend at Costco specifically on yourself right now, what would you buy?
Man attacked by his wheelchair-bound neighbor's 4 Pitbulls How would you defend yourself in this situation?
Man attacked by his wheelchair-bound neighbor's 4 Pitbulls