Le whiteboard is back up!
aaaand the whiteboard is now on view only mode as I am going to work. See yall later :D
I took this pic a few months ago while in LA on a trip.
Whiteboard is back uppp but only for short time cuz I have work
aAAaAaaaaAaaAaaaaand the whiteboard is now on view only mode for the night. Sleep good :3
dw guys im not mentally ill here are some angst art for you
I found some YouTube videos with extremist covers.
From now on, any kink shaming found on the whiteboard will result in a screenshot being posted here. We here at notOrdovician headquarters do not take kindly to kink shaming.
AAAANd the whiteboard is now on view-only mode while I go to work. This is being done simply to avoid a repeat of what happened yesterday
Alright, the whiteboard will be open for a brief moment, then I will be going to work and the whiteboard will be view only for that time being. SORRRRYYY
Aaaaand the whiteboard is now on view-only mode for the night :) sleep good guys :3
You guys are gonna fucking pay for vandalizing the whiteboard >:( just you wait and see.
Hey guys, friendly reminder about the whiteboard: IF you draw anything hateful, illegal, or try to vandalize any other art, your drawings WILL be deleted.
Mib update: mib gettin that SSSHHHHMMMONNMEEEYYYYY!
Alright, Im going to sleep now. The whiteboard will be in VIEW-ONLY mode until I awake. for now, admire the current progress
hyperboloidal gears.
Just a reminder, my board is open to all at anytime. no crashouts here
I am aware of the giant blue square covering the whiteboard. I am currently at work, so I am unable to do anything about it until I get home. And to the people responsible you know who you are and you should feel ashamed of yourself you stupid edgelord fuck
Alright the whiteboard is back on
ohshit i forgot to make an announcment uh yeah the whiteboard is currently in view only mode. it will go back to normal in morning
hey fuckers. send me your hear me outs here and I'll rank them 1-10 with reasonings. I'll go first.
Alright guys, the previous whiteboard was a goner, but I made a copy so go use this one!!!!