Hey friends: how many of you are committed daily Coffee drinkers still? And ..,
Recommend me the most decay-tasting, earthy, heavy, forest dirt vibe shou you know
Double standards
Trying my hand at the style
In the process of building my dream library. Any suggestions?
Adj címet a képnek.
Hogy lehet kiírtani VÉGLEG az ezüstös pikkelykét?
Hawai Langoš
25-30 évesen ti mennyit kerestek? Meg vagytok elégedve?
Is a 1.9 glass lens generally heavier or lighter than a 1.74 plastic one?
Abdominal Xray after gastric emptying study
Fuck your star sign, what medication do you take?
I beat Baldurs Gate 3 and didn't romance anyone AMA
You made Cazador cry! What did you say to him?
When transmuting Withers into a living bong, should I put the mouthpiece in his mouth or asshole?
[TOMT] [TV SHOW] The telephone rings at a party and a teenage guy shushes everyone quiet. It's his mom on the phone, asking about his little brother
What do you use to clean the markings off of progressive lenses?
Can I mute message notifications from just one specific person on a server chat? (on mobile app)
Questions about lighting
For the ones who make over $150k a year, what do you do to get that?
Anyone else get told to wear reading glasses before they were 20?
What are some reasonable diopters for computer glasses for a healthy young emmetrope? Approximately.
Druidcraft with Duncan (Tea, a tea-lightfull beverage)