Thoughts on Foundations Set Constructed
Casual Magic: The Gathering in Helena
Casual MTG in Helena, MT
[Standard] Seeking advice on entering Standard
Seeking advice on entering Standard
[Pioneer] Seeking feedback on possible burn decklist
Been away from the modern scene for a while. Where is all this life gain people keep talking about making burn difficult?
[Modern] Seeking sideboard help for an RCQ on Sunday
[Modern] Modifying Boros Burn post-MH3
Optimizing Boros Burn for the expected post-Nadu meta
[Modern] Rakdos Burn Rough Draft
Bat tribal?
Seeking feedback on budget Jeskai Lutri list
How I learned stop worrying and love the otter
Struggling with UW Control Match-Up [Modern]
USFS hiring freeze/pause updates???
USFS Seasonal Hire Medical PW
What’s wrong with the Forest Service hiring?
Seeking updates on USDA hiring assessment (crosspost from r/fednews
Seeking updates on USDA hiring assessment
Is There A USDA Hiring Freeze
Write-Up of Six Pre-MH3 weekly Modern events
Environmental Studies 2021-22 Course Selection Guide