Maybe maybe maybe
We didn’t have AI back in our days
Unexpectedly funny dumming by Ethan Harb
To give an interview
Neil being a bro. Well done Neil
To vandalise the car
To speak to Tess
To not smile
To speed through the intersection
MRW I logged into LinkedIn after a long time and found it's still the same cringe-worthy pit
My little brother Desmond, who suffers from aspergers and social anxiety, got the courage today to get his first haircut in over a year! He’d like to know what Reddit thinks about it
To steal $25k worth of camera gear
guerilla warfare
An old clip, but I love seeing that Nazi get wrecked
I know what next month’s training is going to cover
To remain in character
To sell features that were already available
Find original/longer version please
chimpanzee sees a prosthetic leg for the first time
MRW my cousin who recently joined Reddit asks my Reddit handle
Acting like her Gen Z brother
I know you’re gonna smile
To fill gas
To scare an elephant
Satisfying punches. Sorry if it’s a repost