What’s better, a small house or a large condo?
Do you recall that when Sesame Street launched in 1969, the original Oscar the Grouch was orange? He didn’t become green until the second season.
David Lynch Dies, Aged 78
Inflation - isn't it crazy? What hasn't gone up in price since the 70s/80s.
Levi's 501 shrink-to-fit jeans
Did you shop more at Miller's Outpost or Gap in the late 70s?
What speaker/brand would be best for classical and jazz?
Remember Croquet?
What is the name of this specific feeling?
Anyone have this in your car??
Do you look forward to traveling in retirement?
When people try to tell me about sous vide.(My OG Anova still kicking from 2016.)
Is it worth starting a podcast in 2025
Screwed up things your parents did
Bose soundlink flex 2 or Soundcore Motion X600?
How do I decide what I want to do with my life?
Best micro speaker (better than EWA A106)
Who remembers going to Tower Records on Columbus?
How to stay motivated when life feels hopeless?
What is something that doesn't belong on a burger?
The average tip at full-service restaurants dropped to 19.3% for the three months towards the end of 2024.
Is a well maintained 1926 Mason & Hamlin Model A6 69" Medium grand worth getting?
Holland's Got Talent panel make racist jokes toward Asian contestant
Has the best ROI always been the S&P 500