Comp mindset
What's your favourite thing about jui jitsu as a sport?
What was your first successful sweep? What is your favorite now?
Fear of getting tapped out by smaller and less experienced people
Integrating + express route handlers for stored chat messages
What is everyone’s most satisfying move to hit in BJJ??
What's the biggest skill disparity you've experienced between two gyms at the same belt level?
Do you like wearing rashguards that have the anti-slip waistband on them?
How old are you?
What belt has largest skill distribution
Deabstracted Code Bases
A moment of gratitude
Why so much push back on traditional gyms?
When is the right time to start learning React or backend?
Is steady-state cardio or HIIT better for bjj?
Future for jrs
Help with son
Does anyone else have the mentality to be the best at BJJ.
Roast my portfolio
Movies for mindset
When is it okay to say "this move is not for me"?
Question for Jrs who are unemployed currently
uchi mata v harai goshi
Any helpful website ?
What makes you stop rolling with someone?