Say hello to grandad ogre
HeroForge Discord has a new sneak peek out this morning titled "Guise".
Organizated crime bosses - Witch is your favorite?
Discord Sneak Peek named "Neck & Neck"
What would you remove from Titanfall 2?
What would you remove from NFS?
Fantasia Fighters: Shawna
just a sorceress
What now?
What is your HeroForge version of "I did not care for the Godfather"?
What is your version of "I did not care for the Godfather"?
My steampunk Mech desing - heavily inspired on Titanfall
Really proud of this pose (and the foldable table)
What character design is this?
What does the harvester do?
You should buy hero forge pro now!!!
Stayed up late making a character, and they turned out so good I slept like a baby - very proud of this one
Gamer Girl
made this guys late at night - what you guys think?
New Tank revealed: Hazard
Help - I need an name for him
how can u be mad at him? he is just a goverment surveillance drone, so silly
Wanted to show out these characters I've made! I wanna know your assumptions abot them!
hate it when this happens
I used auxiliary limbs to give this character a stomach mouth
Guys, watch out for what you leave on the smealting furnace 💀💀💀 (notice the rover on the side)
did you ever just mass produce the wrong thing, i'm on a new save and i have not the right recycler