Cutting spending means somebody is going to be pissed off
The Left Has To Call People Nazis.
Capitalism is definitely the moral revolution that shatteres collectivism!!!
Where Elissa Slotkin won me over in the Democratic response to Trump's address
CMV: The Left are hypocrites when it comes to Islam
Trump doubles down vowing to "plant American flag" on the Red Planet
If I were actually racist I would say so
The fact that the Gaza Condoms thing turned out to be a complete lie should cast doubt on all DOGE claims
DAE feel both US political parties give the ick?
Supreme Court Rules the Clean Water Act Doesn’t Actually Require That Water Be Clean
RFK Jr. urges people to get vaccinated amid deadly Texas outbreak
MAGAs are confused leftists. Let me explain.
Hanging The Flag Upside Down Is For Serious Situations, Not Because Your Side Lost.
Islam is used by males to control women and the LW are hypocrites for supporting it.
How would socialists respond to critics who cite the Berlin Wall and the division of Germany as a prime example of ‘communist oppression’?
What is up with Trump saying he stopped a smaller nation from going to war?
Every single country should be Balkanized into city states
CMV: the political situation in the USA is the greatest threat to the world right now
Transgender troops will be removed from the military, Pentagon says
Both the Republican and Democratic parties, are fucked up.
Would it be better for Democrats to pivot to the left or center?
Have we lost our ability to educate, discuss, and debate?
You're a puritan if you want porn banned.
Tbh I think the first crusade was justified
Every "Moderate," "Independent," or "Centrist" I've Ever Seen has Just Been a Conservative in Disguise