What is this?
Just slap a big ol' 2 right in the switch~
Did she say yes?
Average Croatian Nationalist
Guess who won in the end huh?(nobody, this is the Balkans after all)😬
My proposal for a U.S. peace flag - Inspired by the Russian anti-war flag.
What memories of the Austro-Hungarian Empire remain with the Balkan population? What is your opinion of that time? positive, negative?
I ranked every Balkan country based on their war crimes record.
What balkan country is this dance legend from
r/Kosovo trying not to blame serbs for everything.
Who makes the best music in the balkans?
Do you agree Ahmet?
If Turkish foods were humans
What flags are these? I assume they are related to Scandinavia
When do you think the next DLC will come out? What country is most likely to be the next DLC?
Games like Suzerain?
The year is 2050
The ethnic composition of the Republic of Kosovo. What do you think about it?
What are your favourite fictional flags?
Who in the Balkans has the most/worst road rage?
Who in the Balkans are the largest alcoholics from your experience?
Excel Machine Tools logo - thoughts?
The Mysterious Illyrian Slavic Alphabet (Discovered in 1549)