Has anyone ever said "fuck it" and left engineering completely for something else?
are there any contemporary works that succeeds Imperialism The Highest Stage of Capitalism suitable to current capitalist-imperialist systems?
my dad threw out my anxiety meds
My bf left me for his ex
I wish I just stopped existing
I think I've fucked up everything
Internalised mononormativity and loneliness
Bridgerton Season 3 Episode Discussions Master Post
Someone talk to me
I started watching ointb because of Russian doll
I'm having insane amounts of anxiety and dread
Why does everyone hate the Tritter arc?
what you picking?
I'm on season 6. Damn Daddy is so hot.
maria ruiz .
Hot Take: The guards deserved the riot
What are your thoughts on Benny Mendoza? (Gloria's son)
favourite flashback/backstory?
May be an unpopular opinian
I liked the last one, so what are your opinions on Boo?
Eggplant joke
How long was piper in prison for?
Does the timeline make sense to y’all?
Is it a controversial opinion that I love caputto ?