What game does this describe?
Average Oliver Tree fan:
If you could try any one flavor of Nuka Cola (including the mixes) which would you choose and why?
Tv Shows these days
I was rooting for Gina…until the straight men X gay porn argument - holy crap!!!
If you could try any one flavor of Nuka-Cola (including the mixes) which would you choose and why?
I saw this and thought it belonged here
Woodys World War
Are there any fatalities that can actually destroy him?
This just feels right to me
Favorite character who'll persuade you to not give up?
South Park voice acting
Girl who I was talking to for about a month slept with a guy and I broke things off, 3 months later she is begging for a second chance
How does Valentine keep his cigarettes lit? He doesn't have breath.
Old people in traffic
Adding to the last post
(Loved trope) A nameless background character does something badass for no apparent reason other than it being the right thing to do
When they killed his wife and kidnapped his son, Marlowe changed… for the worse.
Cool lizard I saw on my last trip to Oahu
If anyone knows Oliver Tree
Favorite autist?
Favorite character that makes you wanna do this?
Who would be the best, ok and worst parent?
Posted in the discgolf sub
Just checked ao3 (fanfiction website) and learned what redhood's most popular ship is. gonna need a drink.