Kids tattooing each other in class
This guy I’m talking to like about his age and he’s actually 20 and I’m 16
I saw Les Mis last night and I do not possess the words to describe how good it was.
Standards Based Grading: EVERYONE now has gold level 504/IEP accommodations.
For those who saw the Othello preview last night, what were your thoughts?
OTHELLO Final Dress
Marines sing “Do you hear the people sing” at White House
What's your longest theatre experience?
What are you reading?
Othello to use Yondr pouches
First Timer (Moby Dick @ The Met)
Urinetown: Joshua Grosso Appreciation Thread
Elon Musk says Department of Education no longer ‘exists’
Only in town for one day in March. Help me pick a third show to squeeze in.
Gypsy was just fabulous
Titus Burgess IS Mary Todd Lincoln (Source: the show's FB page)
In this thread: Brag about what you're good at as a teacher
Black Parade 02/08/25
if you were debating seeing Queen Betty in Oh, Mary, just do it
On the opposite end of the spectrum, what’s a show that you enjoyed/liked more than you expected to that other people hated?
AP Lang or AP Lit?
Using a Story Game on FRQ 3 of the AP Lit Exam
Super Condensed Hamlet Unit?
Liza Minnelli's Great Disappointment in Life Is 'Not Being a Mother,': "Even though she wasn’t able to have children of her own, she seems to have created her own family through all the children who came into her life and all the godchildren"