Nervous system regulation group!
Why so many Issues
New hot Potato just came in
Proposal to rename Burr Trail Scenic Byway after President-elect Donald Trump
My collection 1 year into the turntable hobby
Libertarian Principles
My first Florida
What did i ultimately end up buying?
Since I got rear ended the other day and my car is probably totalled, what did I learn stick on?
Lava Falls in December
Thoughts On Buying It?
6 months of collecting
What could be scary if it was 10 times bigger than its normal size?
More practical than a bronco…
Reliable “luxury” beater sedan for 10-15k
Best 2020-2023 truck
Made a bracket to determine the worst parking lot in Salt Lake
Throwback To Gould’s in Yecora, MX
Sad cowboy type songs
I need great albums, I cant find anything that hits me hard anymore
buying my first car as a real adult, need recs
Dad Car for Car Enthusiasts?
Anyone know any good casual rap artists (maybe jazz rap)
Backpacking in late February a few years ago in GSENM, Utah.
A 3 day trip in Southern Utah