Any advice before starting a Chronicle? Especially when you're new to WoD 😅
Who do you usually side with in Lords of Infinity?
Do you think we will cure cancer in the next 50 years?
[Request] Is this true?
I stg “right turn on red after complete stop” means nothing
Is there anyway to prevent people from code diving your WIP/IF?
No matter the game, it remains the truth
Just found my great grandfathers iron cross where he scratched the swastika out.
Just seen system requirements. 32GB of ram? Has there ever been a game needing this much?
Thoughts on the sparks?
It just occurred to me that there might be a whole new generation of Worcesterites that haven't heard the 2003 local music Christmas compilation album
Is this my fault?
Hit my goal of $100K before my 30th. All in a Roth + 6 yrs of service. How am I doing?
What is your reason for wanting success?
Why is Brig’s body different in every skin
If you don't think Henry is a superhero, you're just not doing it right.
Find and sabotage the camp, Henry, but be careful! Maybe just poison their food or burn their arrows or something.
Do you pick option A or option B? (a variation of a question posted less than 12 hours ago)
Rate the fit (archer/knight-errant)
I’ve never seen these guys in game, but they look really cool!
PSA From Vanguards everywhere
What is the main reason you are NOT vegan?
This survey on Youtube shows that 36% can't read that well, including me...
What Language would you rather learn?
I almost got hit at the Plantation/Hamilton St intersection
[GLG320] I had the preference but might makes it right