itterasshai, Eren.
update on the last attack movie release
Just purchased tickets to The Last Attack 😭⚔️🧣🕊️
Attack on Titan Beyond The Walls world tour Official Concert
If you were a soldier in Attack on Titan, which faction would you join (Scouts, Garrison, Military Police, Marley), and what would be your reason for your choice?
I finished AOT and now I’m a mess…
When did you first start reading/watching AoT?
[SW] Frodo and Sam currently on a quest for 4oh3
[SW] boys buying for 327
[SW] Nooks @ 190
[SW] Price of 178!
[SW] Turnip prices 162!
[SW] Buying Turnips at 194 a piece! Don't roll the dice on high value posts!
[SW] Turnip Prices 502
[SW] I enslaved Timmy and Tommy to sell their Turnips at 175 Bells
[SW] Twins buying for three ninety one
[SW] Turnips 500
[SW] Nooklings buying for [Five] {Five} (7even)
[SW] Nooklings buying at 451 bells!
[SW] Nooklings buying for 5 two 6
[SW] Nooklings buying turnips at 542
Around ~30 min ago, I posted this image. I checked the prices at around 9:52 am and that’s the price they showed me. When two visitors came, they found out that the price is only 148 bells. Also, I am very sorry to Larve and Sam (IGN name) for this inconvenience :(
[nooks] satan twins buying for 405 and it’s raining here - DM for dodo code, 3 at a time..
Come visit. Southern Hemisphere shops are still open. 2WKNG. Will have gates open for a few hours.