this is one of the most cruel tanks i’ve seen yet.
Can I add more fish?
Seen on TikTok..
[8 week update] At a loss against blue green algae
Meet Blueberry- my prek 3 class pet
please help my filter isn’t working and it’s so loud
Rescued these two beauties who were being used as table decor for a party
Stock my tank!
Big loach pile
These are my shrimp.
My betta
Green neon tetra tank mates?
I caught her scratching her butt
Any Suggestions for this 29 gallon high?
Fins getting torn
Is my fish sick?
Can someone please guide me as to what is happening to my beloved betta fish
I'm happy with my set up so far
My boy’s boy!
Food ideas needed
I over share with no filter and can’t recover
How do I actually make friends? I've tried everything I feel so hopeless
Why do people complain so much?