is my giant female pregnant?
Wanted to make a breeding colony of Dubias, but I also wanted to make it better than just egg crates
Let me slip into something more comfortable
Just wanted to share my long awaited girl Beyblade!
are you in the DMV area?? do you want hissers??? please take some they are taking over my life
What a good mama
Shes gonna EXPLODE
Interesting Elliptorhina Javanica
workin on that sclerotization tan 💅
What's a good source of protein for hissers?
Pet roach recommendations?
food do & don’ts
My son’s an artist and a silly boy 🫀🫀🫀
Help!! My Madagascar Hissers had baby's and they all fit through this crack on the door! Any way to cover it while still being able to open the door?
Madagascar Monday January 20, 2025
Caught a baby snacking!
Macropanesthia rhinoceros adult male. An absolute beast !
Golden dubias
Anyone else’s bearded dragon ripped?
Substrate changes
Girliest sounding roach
What do I do?
Roach Aesthetics!
White kiddo
Help me name my pretty princess ✨