Shari’s experience with grooming and sexual abuse
What's a wicked nice restaurant I can get reservations for in 3 days?
Boston Logan to the public garden?
Butterfly Gold dinner set
So I picked these up at a garage sale just now $3 are these vintage or or they newer and how much is a set like this typically?
Reading this after seeing all the evidence is just mind blowing. The way they barely even mention the abused children and are more focused on saving their family image. Disgusting. The Griffith’s family is sickening.
Compiled Evidence for Easier Navigation
ABC 20/20 Episode.
I’m so horrified as a viewer
Ruby's Diary Entries
Case Files (All Documents)
More photos of house/evidence
The one we've waited for (safe for work)
Photos (more to follow and documents)
When will the date for parole hearing be announced?
Worth it?
The Spice of Life, that has found me…
April and Davey moving?
2nd post here. How I do today?
I think the parents are back on their mission
Finally organized this kitty-corner, and replaced my Starbucks cup collection shelf with my beloved butterfly gold pieces 🤗
Jessi Hildebrandt new interview
Found these in Tennessee
50% off! My least favorite thrift store came through.
“How many of those did you take?” “I took 9.”