People's opinion
Book Lovers, What’s Your Take?
What book are you reading?
Join us for our end of year meet-up this weekend
Join us for our end of year meet-up this coming Saturday and Sunday
Meeting redditors in real life and making new friends
What do you do for fun that doesn't involve drinking?
How do you make friends after 30?
What is the cure to male loneliness?
Platonic hangout
I'm organizing an end of year party for redditors
I'm organizing an end of year party for Redditors
Let's talk about it...
Join us for Padel and Mingle to meet up with redditors and make new friends
Looking For friends this sides.
The Outcast
Anyone here would like to try out an escape room?
What do you guys do on weekends?
What do you guys do when you are straight out of a relationship that was your only social life?