Who else can lift it up?
Where should I go next and why? Really sell it.
quick sketch of this guy I found on Pinterest, I think he’s a model
I still want to move to the US
Don't touch this guys woman
Gave my Nanny an inappropriate gift? [MB]
I am ending it.
Lamictal side effects?
How do I deal with my neighbors?
All seasons look okay! Help!
Made my own cap. Make America Trumpless Again
New player
Nanny use of our credit card
No meds because of flu
Who’s this beauty? Central Mo
Nanny cams
Is your state better than California?
Dropped a headphone in a supermarket and someone’s kid stamped on it ON PURPOSE and instead of apologising the mum said “he’s a child it’s not his fault”
anyone else’s dog do this weird no spine sit? 😭
What do you call your auras?
I’m a beginner
Tattoo artist became my FP and it's the worst
Actually stupid.
"Kitty" Meaning
Idiot child me stashed this away inside a book. Found 20 years later