Meet Brad Michaels, legendary drag queen and the world's #1 (and only) Judith Ward impersonator since the '90s
i made some drag queens in TS4
Put a bra on
A possible solution to the 4 custom outfit limitation!
Best skins so far?
'MOANA 2' and why I'm concerned for the future of the Princess franchise
Johnny Cage Variants
Retake on this photo from earlier
Does she tease a new race too?🤨
What’s a scene from a movie that still gets you teary eyed?
Reptile Variants
50%+ Kitana kombos in NRS games
Help WB is slowly turning me into an Egg 🥚
I did a stupid draw
Jessi Discussing Nassim's Social Media
Lexi Love with her husband 🩵
Who’s she outselling?
Would you be open to the next Mortal Kombat game being 3D?
Petition to strip Tyra of her crown and title is gaining traction
omg nepo’s vocals 😍😍😍 it isn’t good 😍😍😍
"They don't OWE you anything!" "The content is FREE!" - Sick of this narrative.
While we wait for the episode... what's your favorite drama within the DWTK universe?
Is this optimal kombo damage?
Many people online think the main characters of Luca(2021) are gay. This is because they did not have childhood friends.