Reunion, Stephani Analah, Mixed Media, 2012
Why do i feel sick on a vegan diet after a long time?
Where do you hold your xrp? Where do u buy it?
How to transfer xrp from Robinhood to Coinbase wallet?
My recovery Story
Is wearing the St. peter cross wrong
Did Padre Pio Really Say This About Martin Luther?
The concept of mother earth and father sky, art by me.
Does going vegan help your body?
Still cured one year later
Any thoughts? UTI Symptoms no UTI
How oxalate crystals can cause IC.
Crystal seahorses, oil painting, me, {3400 x 1500}
Reunion, digital and oil paint, by me
Shattered Image, Me, Oil and acrylic paint, 2022
Cats in waffles, me, digital art, 2022
pharma be like:
This group is for talking about the experiences you have without the threat of censorship.
A place without censorship or banishment to advocate for natural healing remedies
Story time
How veganism saved me from surgery
How I healed my endo
me and my muse