“I hate being told want to do. I can’t wait to join the military”
You've been sent to teacher hell...
If I have to deal with one more social studies teaching football coach that worked their way up to admin…
Tell me the (minor) student behaviors that both baffle and infuriate you
One comment on this sub resonated with me so deeply that it was what finally pushed me to leave teaching.
What's an actually helpful teacher tip that you couldn't say in front of admin?
How are single teachers getting by?
This is embarrassing to say but I have no teacher friends at my new school and it's impacting my mental health.
The parent/student duo who HATED me last year love me this year. These people are clowns.
The crazy, entitled, difficult, and rude parents are crazy in other aspects of their life, not just with you. Don't take it personal.
What's the best advice you can give regarding work/life balance and leaving work at work?
Here is the email everyone in my district just woke up to. I put the funny parts in bold.
Is this normal - I was told I'd be written up by HR if I asked the Principal a contract hours question again?
My students this year are so GOOD that it makes me want to leave teaching.
High school teacher here. What happens to them after high school- the students who don't lift a finger? I'm talking about the do-nothings, the non-achievers, the ones less motivated than the recently deceased. Where do they actually end up?
Random tip that works for me: Whenever my kids are doing partner work, I put a timer on the screen and tell them they need to be silent for the first 4 minutes.
What are some techniques to reduced the learned helplessness with my middle schoolers?
Every day I drive by 3 schools on my way home and think: "I have no idea how that teacher's day went."
Subbing during my prep as a middle-school teacher has me questioning the good in humanity.
I'm so jealous of my best teacher friend's ability to just not care about the BS.
What would you do in this situation? I offered a student a quiz re-take out of the kindness of my heart, that same student lied to me - should I still let them retake it?
Update: Supportive Admin came through!! Don't let these crazy parents affect you mentally.
I'm always surprised at how nice my gang-affiliated students are.
How would you handle this parent/student situation?
Is anyone happy?