Slowly quitting methadone
Oral thrush
WV senate bill outlawing methadone
West Virginia strives to increase overdose deaths
Did your clinic let you go down weekly with monthly takehomes? I have to go every 2 weeks now for tapering?
Well it’s happening
Bill in my state would opiod treatment illegal
2mg every 2 weeks. Good detox?
Stomach problems
4.5 months clean!
best psychiatrist in south carolina?
Senate bill 204 outlawing MAT Clinics in WV. [does anyone have additional info on this? West Virginia is the LAST place that needs to ban MAT]
Senate bill 204 outlawing MAT Clinics in WV.
Anyone have gerd / chest pain?
Prioritize these (for long time tobacco users mostly)
No security at my clinic
My clinic didn't give me a takehome for Monday
The right side is 110
6 months clean off opiates today
Moving to Raleigh from Baton Rouge
I bought Xanax and tested it
Final phase of taper - drop off at 5mg or keep going down?
30 days off update!
Long term constipation solution?
Just started yesterday. Worst ever