Toby's New Friend
Gotta take a pic to document the one time I use my RW's to do actual workboot things.
Yritin tehä Stubbin banaanipannukakkua, painotus sanalle yritin.
Mega-ateria, sivuun siitä. Tässä oikea megaburger
Minä irl
Vieläkö isot pojat tekee Starter Pack meemejä?
Aamu vai iltasuihku?
Missä ajassa saatte aamutoimet hoidettua?
I'm making a Tumnus costume for a play and I was wondering how to make digitigrade legs on a budget, especially what to look out for when patterning and what to use for stuffing
A new teddy bear from Sweden moved in! 💌 His name is Djungelchonk (his legal name is Djungelskog) Chonklit took him aside and shared with him the house rules. What do you think he said?
Even with the most basic of tools you can make a pretty decent drink - caramel cappuccinos for me the the fiancè to start the day - how did you all start yours?
What do I need to do to salvage this?
Moff infestation
What am I doing wrong?
How do you drink your moka?
What are your Skogs favourite snacks? (Pic is unrelated)
plushie hang out
monday and its challenges
<3 my transmasc bf
Missä oot, mitä teet?
My little sister liked the big skog so I bought her baby skog. And now im planing on buying another skog so they'll become a happy family.
Walton Skoggins settling in for a nap.
my skog, Benjamin and his crochet bow tie i made him :)