Bright Eyes Bio anno 2004 by JTLeRoy
What other music do you recommend that isn't elliott smith
New conor interview
a song where you completely misinterpreted the story?
Calories in a giant vegan torta?
RQ tumblr flags
My cat won’t drink water, won’t eat and she yelps when she yawns
some guy asked for a payment plan..
The Stairwell Song
Wtf is this phone policy (USA)
what’s the best bright eyes, in your opinion
What did Conor mean by this?
This is a longshot, but does anyone know where this jacket came from in the Conor Oberst tiny desk?
Hundreds of ways
Band Name Origin?
Bright Eyes, Sylvia Plath, Easy/lucky/free
estimate for spinach pies from a local place that opened today? thanks :-)
Welp, no shows this year.
Announcement--New Rules and Mod Applications
Omg does anyone else hate the new album?
This is what I fell in love with
Spun Out deserves some love
Be kind folks. from
Question about Phoebe