Awesome 😂
Based off just this information what car should I buy?
What’s your “I did not care for the godfather” take on Tekken?
Southern state exit 17 this morning
Should I deactivate my socials?
President Biden says members of Congress should not trade stocks in his farewell address to the nation.
As someone who doesnt use social media or stay on cell phone constantly how do you be a part of "society"?
Is Julian as much an alcoholic as Lahey?
Are you more excited for RE0 Remake or Re9?
If you could smell a picture… Anthony’s at Kadena 06-09 used to slap!
Wife Her Up!
In your opinion, what is the saddest truth about life?
Do you ever regret staying on patrol/not taking promotions?
How long does ownership let this farce continue
Games That Gave You the Same Vibe as DayZ?
What sporty SUV should i buy?
I need good tattoo ideas for DayZ
Who’s on your Mount Rushmore of the Greatest Horror Movie Final Boys and Girls of All Time?
Forgot my T-shirt and received some stares, but I kept grinding!
How to remove factory livery on a Glock 48
as long as i have reddit ;)))))
Popped up on my feed
I'm sorry you have to see this!
Is my Shiba fat?
Mr. X is a decent villain with a satisfactory defeat, now which well written villain has a unsatisfactory defeat