Am i overreacting??
Is it me or is flexbox just for people that never understood the box model?
A moment of gratitude
Is My Boyfriend a Red Flag?
Is this something we could implement on this sub as well?
AIO: my bf had another girl text him at 2 am??
Bought 100 XRPs cause of FOMO
LPT: Watch every meme/post your partner sends you
Seeking some advice on the tow weight/capacity of my Willys
EDC MONDAY who actually carries everyday? Comment your sexy Canik’s
My new MC9 w/ custom base plate
Atl shooters that need mags
I'm losing at politics and have no idea how to turn it around.
How bad is this
What does everyone do for work?
$1,050 for Blink-182 three GA Pit tickets on a Thursday? HARD PASS. 7/11/24
My apartment complex is claiming there's nothing they can do about a rampant mosquito infestation. Help, I'm itchy!
What is the $
Why on Earth does Google do their tech challenges in Google Docs?
to all the MAGA warriors
TIFU by teaching my 13yo brother Python
My little corner - just moved in
Comparison of UI libraries for React
Who long did it take you to reach 100k+/year salary?