What is gayer than liking men?
Okay, so you've decided to get a NIN-themed personalized license plate - 7 letters/numbers max. What's it say?
(Update 3 on BOM Acquisition) I went to a meeting house today, and met missionaries!
What band would you love to see BB tour with that they haven't yet?
Just Started Listening to Linkin Park. Are there any facts i should know?
someone tipped me with a lain buck today
Seen in a pro-Israel/anti-Palestinian crowd
What do you think of the "Afghanistan" flag. Do you use the original one or this one; Taliban flag. Personally I use 🇦🇫.
What does my top 10 say about me?
Say the N word
What's your NIN hot take?
Do you think One More Light is a bad album?
Can I get a BOM without talking to missionaries (PLEASE READ)
R.I.P Chester Bennington
Yes, it's real
To this subreddit
Hello, I am not a teenager but I want to talk to you about Sextortion
how many of you have actually seen azumanga
(Update) I got the Book Of Mormon, my friends!
I’m a Christian, but have little to no idea what LDS is
Osaka winning big at the casino (ai generated art)
Every Fast Sunday
Hello, is Blow Me Away S Tier?
Nine Inch Nails x Welcome Skateboards. What's everyone's final thoughts?