Regulatory catalyst. You're not bullish enough
Using Blender for 10 days. Coming from C4D - 7 Years and not going back.
Killed by nothing?
Hitting a wall with realism
Does anyone have any idea what this could be? It appeared in our toilet out of nowhere
Ashley Revell, in 2004 liquidated all of his assets ($135,300) to go to Las Vegas and bet everything on red on roulette
Uhhh... what?
The many B.S. “planes” of New Jersey.
Werk that body
Let’s say I done like 100 Grams. Not micrograms. Grams. Of acid.
Look at all the baloons
How can I make this tower look less like a weiner ?
We invested in the wrong bean
Need Expert suggested setup
Extra skin
The Perfect Plug doesn’t exist
Invested in Bitcoin for the first time today.
Is bro good? Can’t find the op😭
Vespertilio 193 Puzzle
How is this even possible?!?
Person spraying bug killer on fruits vegetables and chicken in a Walmart
They really put a Discman with the Anti-Skip System in a museum already. I’m not sure I've ever felt older in my life. 😖😩
Chinese street food : pancakes
Got the steps down. Now time to practice and refine!
35hr tattoo apprentice assignment 🤯