What are the craziest bugs that happened to you in EA’s games?
never take anything too serious
Max Vader Gameplay
Unlocked The Pre-Order Skins🫡
Skins I Wish Were In The Game
4 Piece
i have joined the club 😎
Kenobi scares Darth Maul with his aura
Quick 1v1 In HVV
Disrespectful Dooku Gets Humbled !
Disrespectful Dooku Gets Humbled Part 2 !
Cheater/Hacker Bad At BFII caught completely destroying and crashing CS lobbies and holding the lobbies hostage for hours (Xbox)
Start lagging when playing with friends
Craziest Two Piece
Today marks 7 years since the release of Battlefront 2
If Battlefront 2 was to have an update or if we got a Battlefront 3 what characters or updates would you like to see?
What is the main cause of racism?
What does it mean to be “edgy”, in your opinion?
What are some signs that someone's given up on life?
Bold palpatine
Freezing on Hoth. But not in a good way. (Galactic Assault 2017)
I can't change my custom gamerpic on the Xbox app, it looks like this no matter which picture I choose
2 kenobis! i have never seen this before(i'm new to the game)