Only in arena…
Gonna need more than 10 mana for this combo to full eff
Question about Signature drops
Echoing Roar + ‘Loc Prince bros we’re so back
Double Tess hero power is absurd
Opponent is living up to the name
I wanted Prince Renathal... now i have two.
I understand why the Crypt Keeper is siding with the slimes, he clearly seems infected. But what is the Bagman's deal? Why is he helping them and why don't they attack him?
New card: Ward of Earth
Found a recognisable game in the info folder on Discovery airlines!
PSA: This interaction is NOT working as intended (or at least it should be intended)
I like Boner Ender.
Clearly it's Tumbelweed that was the problem
Proof that it's still possible to win without Bonerender (barely)
PSA: Using "Eject" (remove minions from tavern pool) counts as using your hero power so pyramad's hero power doesn't grow
"We have Khadgar at home" but the Khadgar at home is actually a 5-course steak dinner
Well wEll weLL....
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to be able to play Paladin.
Alliance 🤝 Horde
Neon Agent - Ban demon battlecries?
Yeah no I can figure it out myself
DK players looking at you after you tell them Zerg DK requires no skill:
why’d they name a card after my ex 💀
Dragon Warrior will be a thing?