My religious friend who has never done psychedelics wants to do 10g so that his religion can be proven to him.
How many of you would like to see Chloe back?
Maybe maybe maybe
When its pets day at school.
Is there a trick to avoid being "anchored" to a distracting thought?
My casual edc ^0^
I just want them back
TIL that some people are genetically gifted in that they can sleep for as little as 4 hours without suffering from daytime sleepiness or other consequences of sleep deprivation
maybe maybe maybe
They destroy the concept of meme in one emoji
A man guards his family from cannibals during the Madras Famine of 1877, under British colonial rule in India
I Found kardashian Goat
Why do spiritual visions go through a symbolic filter? Why can't astral projection visions and messages given by spirits be accessed directly with 100% accuracy?
Dogs will forever be dogs
A cool guide on how to influence people and get friends
My new EDC as a 23yo ME student in switzerland
A Yakut child in traditional winter dress, Siberia
Parkour of Tianmen Mountain in Hunan.
bro knows his car better than bmw.
Honestly the worst
Dumb-phone with smart E-Reader 🔥
I pity your mirrors for having to look you in the eyes