Night Owl here, asking what is open 24 hours in Halifax?
Maybe maybe maybe
Replacing the wheels to avoid scratches on the floor
What’s something that Teslas have, that you wish your non-Tesla had?
Different Trim Levels
Robo Delivery! Testing spotted
Looking for 3D Models or Purchase Options for Lever Covers
Canada deports more people, predominantly those rejected for refugee status
New Canadian social platform
Cannot leave Scarborough general hospital
EV charging stations vs. gas prices
Toronto dumps Tesla from EV program, assistant mayor aims to shutdown Tesla
What is it?
thoughts on buying a freehold in cathedraltown/victoria square?
Horn stopped working :(
Winter Tires for ev6 Gt
Stay home, kids.
Share your favorite picture!
PC Chair Suggestions?
Maritime Love
Cheap Pho
Kia Battery Preconditioning is Worthless
I was driving today on the 401 W and I expected lots of traffic and long soul sucking driving to work. Then I asked myself why am I doing this for job that only pays $22/hr
Dumb question
Complete loss of control on ice! Traction control failed me. 😢