Coursera Credits
Can I transfer credits from Sophia and other places to UoPeople in batches rather than all at once?
APs are not interested/afraid of physical aspects, right?
I am a failed investment of my parents.
I feel like a failure among my peers
[TW: Suicidal Ideation] My Dad will never be satisfied.
Where Dominant and Traditional men are hiding in today's age and time?
How fast could I finish a associates in cs with transferring credits?
How do people hold conversations for hours and hours on end?
Does UoP accept credits?
First timer considering college again after dropping out first semester 22 years ago
have no motivation in life because of my asian parents
How can I keep studying my languages while I work?
Dating as an ugly man
How is it taught
Kazakhstan, here I come!
I turned 19 and a lot of high expectations makes me anxious
Is it me or Asian people just stare a lot? Specifically older Asian parents
Visiting Berlin? Moving here incl. Apartment questions? Going clubbing? Have a quick question? Ask here, don't create a new thread.
Essential apps for tourists
For those of you that speak/understand multiple languages: which language has the best media?
Is it normal to feel drowsy and mildly light-headed 1-2 hours after waking up?
Self-learners, how do you do it?
What was your experience with learning German?