In S2, and the machine is scaringly accurate as current AI tools.
Why is it important to avoid crashes?
Okay, time to get real. Do you cure the Genophage? why or why not? Explain your reasons
The End - do you think Samaritan survived?
Health insurance denied
Why do people support Gerard Hutch so much?
ELI5 why seafood will go bad before other meats
Played my first game, my DKoK vs. my buddy’s space marines. Ouch…
Comment by YouTuber 3 Minute Board Games under his video about Hegemony
Im starting a scout kill team, how many boxes do I need for the full range of options?
Therapist said it feels like I'm not making any progress
Are Kill Teams Pre-Determined?
Brain fog from an outsider - Any insights?
Prescribed LDN, aspirin and nattokinase, any advice?
Good on Ireland for giving two fingers to the nutjobs.
Knock Knock!
Shows like person of interest?
Total 1st preference votes for every party
ELECTION DAY - Megathread Nov 29
Inaccuracies in the show
Trying to find a quote by / mentioned by November, help?
Sharp increase in autism to require thousands of additional special needs places in schools
Was Alicia "guilty" or "innocent"?
At what point do you think Reese and Finch's relationship turned from employee to friendship?
Why is there such a radical difference between Picard S1/S2 and Season 3?