H: can craft gp Cali cap, sting core, accelerated nozzle w: offers
H: 400 gnb 7, 400 explosive bobbles, 300 tesla science 3, mods, leaders W: gnb 3, canned coffee, sunshine oil, leader offers.
[ Courier ] u/Candid-Goose-7109 Courier Page & Feedback Thread
H: craftable gp accelerated, sting, calibrated or mod tradeable ones w: leaders flux or 4 star box mod.
H: 2 accelerated nozzle gp plans w: 125 leaders each
H: Masks / Leaders W: Coffee
H: caps w: ultra 45 ammo
H: glowing sbq w: 350 leaders or equal offers
H: canned coffee w: leaders 1 to 5 coffee
H: 40k caps w: 40k ultra 45
H: TFJ W: MODS and junk
H: leaders w: t60 initiate paint with offer
H: Gatling Plasma w/ everything except Accelerated Nozzle & Calibrated Capacitor - W: A Beautimus Soul who could craft them on it for me
W: Accelerated nozzle for G.P H: mods, caps.
H: gp accelerated nozzle plan W: gp large core receptacle plan
H: know all mods for gat plasma for modding or new craft w: free 1 per
H: accelerated nozzle w: nuka cola
H:4 star mods or whatever you need W: gat plasma accelerated mod
[PS] H: Gatling Plasma Plans Gamma Wave Emitter and Large Core Receptacle W: 20 leaders each plan or 1 Powered Mod per plan. Thanks!
H: End of Year Sale W: that 1 person that keep downvoting me to smile.
H: know all mods for gat plasma for modding or new craft w: another give away 1 per
H: 500 nuka dark w: 1 leader per 2
H:offers W:glowing scorch beast queen
W: GP with Stinging core, accelerated nozzle, and rifled barrel H: Mods