Where to watch SC rn
10 motorcycles in a Globe of Death at the same time
Combining two of my favorite things atm.
Are The People that plan on moving or moved to Berlin in the last 10 years aware that they are destroying everything that makes this city to what it is?
Here are my 4 favorite characters from Andor S1, what are yours?
Welche Deutschrapper sind noch „gut"
need some advice pls
I visited Berlin recently and saw this graffiti everywhere, can anyone tell me what it means?
What would be the worst song for a stripper to undress to?
help after sexual violence berlin
We need more team chants before LAN
What was the stupidest way you found out youre partner was cheating ?
Meeting with my boss in 1 hour for a promotion (little does he know)
What the fuck do you want?
Laced/Cut/Adulterated Weed: A problem of the 2020s
What expression do people use instead of "say cheese!" in other languages?
Without naming where you’re from, what is something your area is known for?
What is 100% worse when wet?
My apex is broken since Season 5
What is a song you cannot listen to for an emotional reason?
Whats a cold harsh fact you've come to realize?
No bad words please.
French police charging firefighters
Advice for my First snake?
Season 4 Battlepass rewards