“Free Bible Courses” Downtown
Just finished Reign and Ruin
Keep having to pee in a cup in my car…
Anchorage how are you holding up in these winds?
It’s fine…
That One Story
what happened to all the scene/emo kids of the 2000s?
Are there any good, relatively recent, Fantasy TV shows?
Best grifter?
Worried by my 6 year old sons interests. Is this normal?
What book did you really enjoy but later discover most people actually dislike/hate it?
Mechanics ‘inadvertently’ drive Alaska Airlines plane into ditch at Ted Stevens airport, officials say
Teachers - keys?
what TV series could you rewatch over and over?
How many of you have PD tomorrow?
First Birthday Location?
why do people judge romance book readers
Want to be friends?
I collected most common criticisms of popular books on this sub in a doc with filters
Favorite restaurant?
Moose’s tooth is overrated
Name a book that was so bad that u feel embarrassed that u have read it??
Anchorage School Board votes to close 2 schools next year -- In a 5-2 vote, the board opted to close Lake Hood and Nunaka Valley elementary schools.
Teaching in Anchorage
Who is your all time Book Boyfriend and how did he win you over?