Dr Meow
Officially Medallion Pilled
What should I do with Wolverine Crossing Leasing Office? Filing a lawsuit against them? I can't understand seriously what the fuck is wrong with these pricks.
"4225 non-organic" avocado barcode trash
I have no idea what to do in life
to the warehouse person that lost their vape…
First Secretary, Nikita Khrushchev, in a wheat field (1964), Kazakh SSR. Photo by Valentin Kuzmin
So how many stores do we have in Nipples?
What are examples (if any) of cities/other settlements that never changed name and kept their initial one through the centuries?
Was stoked about the sound of this flavor till I saw the sugar content…
Is Chris GOOD at anything? Like, anything Chris is good at doing.
Tell me something interesting about Ghana.
Unpopular Opinion. Are tattoos a turn off?
New England - What if New England decided "yeah, this whole US thing is kinda overrated" and left? (NO LORE)
Where is Bluespike now?
What would you do if today was your last day on earth?
If you were given five-hundred dollars to spend on something you want but don’t need, what are you buying?
What is the first major news story you remember as a kid?
Would George be proud of his store if he was still alive?
What cities in the world look most similar to Salt Lake City?
do bikes get stolen?
Fentanyl-overdose deaths in the U.S. 2013 vs 2022
What is sitting on the ocean floor in the Central Pacific Basin?
Which tourists do you hate more than any other?
What do you guys do to get through your shifts?