Is Richmond Hill LGBTQ+ friendly?
Suggestions for bathroom privacy? (Renting—no drilling)
One of the most adorable things you will see today. Guaranteed tears
Health Insurance
Looking for information and resources on retirement for a combined non-LEO and LEO FED career.
Roth vs Traditional TSP
Neighbor wants to plant Bamboo hedge- can't convince them otherwise
Has anyone successfully gotten their old TSP statements? (PDF versions, not paper)
Finally Made It After 20.5 Years
Drop FEGLI and replace it with _?
4 yrs til retirement
Why is it recommended to do a Roth IRA but not do Roth TSP?
FIRED Myself - One Month Update
Sucks seeing my command send out a list of “free for all” holiday dates and I can’t take any of those off 😫
Is my list right?
govFIRE Tips & Tricks?
Anyone use any of the retirement planners who specialize in the Feds?
Best method to retire at 48?
Son going to college in 2 yrs. 529 will be short about $20,000.
Is it reasonable to take Social Security as soon as possible before taking mandatory withdrawals from TSP?
Apple Podcasts Keeps Changing My Continuous Playback and External Controls Settings
Not loading tsm3 ps4