ICO - The only thing I regret is not playing it sooner
Why did you stay in a bad relationship? Or even just not a great one?
Lil Gator Game: In The Dark | Announcement Trailer
ELI5: Why Does The Moon Look Bright and Crisp Until the Exact Moment the Sun Comes Up?
Metroid Prime 2/3
Severance’s Adam Scott and Co-Stars Go to Work in Pop-Up Cubicles at New York’s Grand Central
What was your Most enjoyed video game as a kid?
Those who met a celebrity, how did they treat you?
People who've had general anaesthetic, when they asked you to count back from 10 how far did you get?
What, according to you, is the perfect TV show that everyone should watch at least once?
Living Colour - Cult Of Personality [Rock]
why is everybody so afraid of music labels?
What is the best video game of all time?
The Conduit HD has now been modded to work on newer versions of Android
What is the biggest flaw with Metroid (1986)?
Dread or Prime Remastered?
ELI5 why is it that contacting unconancted tribes a bad thing? Wouldn't giving them basic healthcare and.. cooking be a good thing?
Loreheads, how do you incorporate save points into your headcanon?
Chozo ghost or artifact room sound?
What is the hottest thing you’ve ever touched? How?
Do you think we’ll ever get a third-person Metroid game again?
ELI5: Why don't we have to separate our recycling anymore?
Playing "Metroid Prime: Hunters" for the first time!
My kids book from school took a dark turn.
Your thoughts on this?