[A3] [HALO] [EST] [Recruiting] 44th Marine Assault Regiment [Noob Friendly!]
Blades of the Infinite Path Progress
Blades of the Infinite Path
I think this picture best represents OPD before Christmas; especially the Sunday before Christmas
Why isn’t this guy on power absorption, is the tree not coming inside of him??
night 2
We're loving life right now
First post in 2 months, let's go!
[A3] [HALO] [EST] [Recruiting] 5th Combat Group [Noob Friendly!]
[A3] [HALO] [EST] [Recruiting] 13th Shock Troops Battalion [Noob Friendly!]
Send pictures of your WoL and I will doodle them as how my WoL would ! :D
How bad is your store's OGP?
[A3] [OPTRE] [NA/EU] [Recruiting] [New Player Friendly] 13th Shock Troops Battalion
[A3] [OPTRE] [NA/EU] [Recruiting][ New Player Friendly] 13th Shock Troops Battalion
Dr. Pepper = alcohol?