What's the prettiest name you have ever Heard?
Rant: I hate algebra with a burning passion
What do you think is your most justified paranoia?
What is the most life-changing decision you've made on a whim and do you regret it?
If money wasn't a factor, what is your dream job?
If you could have credit for creating any piece of art (painting, music, movie, book, etc) what would you choose and why?
If you could have a second chance at one event in your life, what would you choose?
What is a job that you would never in a million years want to do?
Name a Taylor Swift song and I'll rank it from 1-10.
What is an important split second decision you had to make, and so you still wonder if you made the right one?
If you could replace Donald Trump with Joe Biden as President, would you?
What is a song you were absolutely blown away with when you first heard it?
Do you guys think you'll have kids one day?
do you all agree with trump's deportations of undocumented immigrants?
How long do you (usually) take in the shower?
Do you immediately drop the idea of watching a TV show that you know a lot of spoilers about?
What would your ideal tracklist for TTPD be?
What are some "girl secrets" that guys want to know about
What was the introduction song of Taylor for you?
What are things that you hate in movies and/or TV shows?