We are creating an impact...
Aly Kamadia (Editor-In-Chief, iDose), the guy who was going to write about how Ismailism wasn't in decline, gave up without trying.
Ismailis in the US are starting to lag financially, and it's their fault: "Wake up Ismailis"
You don't vote for Imam! Even Ismailis don't want Ismailism!
An Ismaili asking about the religion's potential decline (Aly Kamadia)
Please Help Me Identify All The People In This Image
Will ismailism collapse and disappear?
Is the Ismaili Imam in occultation now as well?
Hazar imam is not God
An excerpt from the doctoral thesis entitled "MY GOD'S NOT FAT YOUR GOD IS FAT"
Praying to Aga Con for help is no more Shirk than going to doctors for help
Why I left Ismailism.
What's your opinion on Aga Khan as a person?
On a scale of 10, how lavish would you rate aga's lifestyle
The Aga Khans have perpetrated a cultural genocide against the Khoja community.
[deleted by user]
Did y’all see this post on theismaili instagram
Masterful deflection of 1/4th majlis question by IsmailiGnosis
"Like a wild stallion, unbridled and free, the Ismaili Imam will revel in the natural pleasures of life, savoring the sweetness of his concubines embrace, unable to be tamed by the chains of marriage"
What do y'all say to family members and others when you don't want to sit with them to pray but they want to say Dua and make comments when you don't? Curious
Received Canadian Jamati Survey - they really only care about $$$
"Ye, I like Hitler too" - Aga Khan
Finally left this scam: My story
Looking for a farman or taqila where SMS claims drinking milk after eating fish is unhealthy. Anyone knows about it or is it just a made up story?
You wake up as Rahim Aga Khan. What do you do?