My RANKING of the books...
Silly Suella
Fuck Granddad!
just bought the game, and I swear I never wanted to kill someone more than now in my whole life
virgin vs chad
Further Math
What if Deathshead was killed in 1946?
Uranium Jesus.
Uranium Jesus
Super Smash bros W
Which fraction do you think is the strongest
big iron
AMA and I’ll pretend I’ll know the answer. fire away
word to the wise remember shady sands
Ask me a Fallout Question & then edit it to make me look bad!
What would your Necromancer object be?
Why's everyone so mad the bos are racist?
The Lone Survivor
Out of interest, what's the ATL line on Airhaven?
Who's the Gremlin?
Who's Name Is forgettable
Who's the normal one
Who's the hot one?
Who's the made to be hated one?
Who's the fan favourite?