That is a .... Choice
Is it Racist to make shit up" -Sad Fraud
Poor white People
The Victims of Taxes
Oh yes, the so Called "Authorities" Really did "Get Rid" of Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, and Donald Trump
Systemic opposition moment
Conservative E-Celeb Claims Victimhood When he empathize with a Murderer
Christians are Being Persecuted
Making stuff up to get Offended over
Disney owns Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and the MCU.
Apparently Left Libertarians are actually "anti-semitic"
Hate Crime Happens and Reactionaries want you to Know White People are the Real Victims
Imagine Thinking White People in South Africa are less Racist.
Woke Death Squads Dropping in 5, 4, 3, 2 , 1...
The War on Christmas is Perperptual Victimhood
Home School Advocate Wants you to Know how Awful School is.
Persecution Comics
Ancaps have progressed passed the point of defending Mussolini and have now moved on to defending the American Slave Confederacy. That's because slavery is a core principle of Anarcho-capitalism.
So Oppressed
Remember what Napoleon Bonaparte (i.e. Leon Trotsky social liberalism edition) took from you...
Reparations for White People
"Globo Homo" and Radical Islam just "Emptied all of the Prisons" to Persecute Christians and Assad
Dead don't talk.
Nea Hampshire Libertarian Goes on Rant About how he is a Virtuous and Heroic Victim who Stood up to the Tyranny of so called "Cancel Culture"
Jane Fonda Shuts Down 'Cynical' Bill Maher After He Claims 'Far Left' Has Gone 'Nutty'